Sustainability and Environment
In a volatile and uncertain world, organizations today need to constantly improve the social, environmental, and economic conditions in which it operates. These are the three pillars of sustainability, even if one pillar is weak then the system as a whole is unsustainable. At Valiant Glass, we take responsibility for the environment around us by constantly cultivating our environmental footprint.
Over the years we have made a significant transformation in our processes to achieve our sustainability goals. As an ISO 14001 certified organization, we have constantly invested in the field of environmental preservation. Today, we not only meet our regulatory requirements but also make a significant contribution to the environment as a result of our ongoing initiatives.
A vital element in our environmental sustainability is to use raw material and energy responsibly. We have successfully reduced energy usage, cut carbon emissions, increased the amount of recycled glass, and created a safer and greener work environment. In our manufacturing process of glass packaging, we create value towards all the three important pillars of sustainability – i.e. economic, social, and environmental.
Post-Consumer Recycled glass capability
As part of our commitment to increase the quality and quantity of glass to be recycled, we have developed the capability to support glass recycling of Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) glass. Majority of PCR waste doesn’t get re-melted back to glass and this creates problem both for the environment and for the local authorities. Hence, we designed a process and structure to collect PCR glass from end-consumers through dedicated collection bins placed at various strategic locations.

Recycling improves the environmental balance, both ecologically and economically
We have been recycling glass for more than three decades. Reusing used glass has vastly improved the environmental balance of our glass production. We have reduced our emissions and waste production because of recycling and other sustainable initiatives. We are maximizing the intake of cullet (crushed glass ready to be remelted) in our furnaces.