
How to judge whether the glass jar is heat-resistant

As a common kitchen utensil, glass jars play an important role in cooking and food storage. However, many people are often confused when choosing glass jars, and do not know how to judge whether they are heat-resistant. In this article, we will introduce some methods and points to judge whether the glass jar is heat-resistant.

First of all, what is Pyrex? Pyrex is a special glass material that can withstand high temperatures. It has excellent high temperature resistance, can maintain stable physical and chemical properties at high temperatures, and is not easy to crack or deform. Therefore, when we need to use glass jars in the cooking process, it is very important to choose heat-resistant glass.

An important indicator for judging whether a glass jar is heat-resistant is its material. Common heat-resistant glass materials currently on the market include borosilicate glass and soda-lime glass. Borosilicate glass is a glass with high boric acid content, which has a high melting point and thermal shock resistance, and is generally suitable for use in ovens and microwave ovens. Soda-lime glass is a traditional glass material with certain heat resistance and is suitable for freezing and storing food.

In addition to material, the appearance and structure of glass jars can also provide some clues to heat resistance. First of all, heat-resistant glass usually indicates its heat-resistant temperature range on the product label or packaging. This is an important guide for consumers to understand the use restrictions and precautions of this glass jar. At the same time, heat-resistant glass generally uses thicker glass materials and has a stronger structural design to increase its thermal shock resistance and durability.

In addition, we can verify the heat resistance of glass jars through some experiments. First, you can heat the glass jar in hot water to see if it can withstand the heat without cracking. At the same time, we can quickly drop the heated glass jar into cold water to see if it can withstand the thermal shock and remain intact. These experiments can help us better understand the heat resistance of glass jars.

When buying glass jars, we should also pay attention to some details. First of all, choosing a glass jar with a regular brand and manufacturer can be used with more confidence. In addition, it is also very important to understand the after-sales guarantee and quality certification of the product, which can provide more guarantees and services. Finally, we can also know the real performance and quality of the glass jar by checking other consumers' reviews and ratings.

All in all, choosing glass jars that meet heat resistance requirements is an important step to ensure that we can use them safely and enjoy delicious food. By understanding the material, appearance, and structure of the glass jar and conducting some simple experiments, we can more effectively judge whether the glass jar is heat-resistant. I hope the introduction of this article can help you choose high-quality heat-resistant glass jars in your daily life.